Awais, Pervaiz Urge World To Play Role In Resolving Kashmir Issue


Awais, Pervaiz urge world to play role in resolving Kashmir issue

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News -2nd Sep,2016) : Chairman National Assembly Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs Sardar Awais Ahmed Khan Leghari said the international community has to shun its double standards and play role for securing Kashmiris' right to self- determination granted in the United Nations' resolutions.

Talking to APP here, he said the world powers have to play their role for resolution of Kashmir issue, adding the human rights violations by India in Occupied Kashmir are unfortunate and condemnable.

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has appointed Sardar Awais as his special envoy for United Nations in Geneva and he will apprise the international community about Indian atrocities against peaceful Kashmiris waging struggle for their right to self-determination in Occupied Kashmir.

Leghari said objective of sending special envoys to different countries is to make the international community realize about its role in the Kashmir issue as it talked about democratic and human rights and on the basis of that established relations with other countries.

He asked why the international community does not apply the same lofty principles for the people of Kashmir and does not feel the injustice meted out to the them. He stressed that Kashmiris have to decide about their own future as it is unclear whether they want to accede to Pakistan or India.

"We support their just right to self-determination on the basis of humanity." He said the way world powers came together to resolve US-Iran dispute, in the same way important countries should become party to the Kashmir issue, which could not be resolved without their involvement.

Member National Assembly Pakistan Muslim League(N) Muhammad Pervaiz Malik, who is special envoy of Prime Minister for Turkey, said silence of the world on Indian brutalities in Occupied Kashmir is disappointing.

Pervaiz said when the public representatives from Pakistan will talk about the present situation in Indian Occupied Kashmir and the oppression perpetrated by Indian security forces against the innocent Kashmiris, the international community will listen to them more attentively.

Everywhere, the world trusts members of Parliament so Pakistani legislators will have more influence on the public opinion abroad when they will speak about Kashmir, he added. He said the visit of special envoys will expose the nefarious designs of India as they will highlight the plight and sacrifices of Kashmiris for their cause.

He said the special envoys will be accompanied by ambassadors of Pakistan, adding the visits of parliamentarians to various countries are purely meant to highlight the Kashmir issue at international stage.

Every government highlighted the Kashmir issue but the present situation is very critical as atrocities are unleashed against the peaceful Kashmiris to suppress their indigenous movement, he observed.

Pellet guns were used against the unarmed Kashmiris, he said adding the world should take cognizance of the worsening situation. Pervaiz Malik appreciated step of the Prime Minister to send parliamentarians as his special envoys to world capitals, adding they will knock at the doors of United Nations and other world bodies and raise voice about Kashmir.