Azerbaijan Business Delegation To Visit Pakistan In 2017

Azerbaijan business delegation to visit Pakistan in 2017

ISLAMABAD, Dec 6 (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 06th Dec, 2016 ) : Azerbaijan`s Ministry of Economy has announced that it will send Export Missions to Pakistan next February. The mission to Pakistan will be organized on February 5-8, said Azerbaijan's Economy Ministry.

The export mission will include companies from the fields of agriculture, processing, food industry, fruits and vegetables, natural mineral waters, fruit juices, sugar and sugar confectionary, cotton, chemical industry, Trend news Agency of Azerbaijan reported on Tuesday.

Azerbaijan plans to send its first trade mission to Pakistan in February 2017, Azerbaijani Economy Minister Shahin Mustafayev said.

"The purpose behind sending the mission is to expand bilateral trade with Pakistan," Mustafayev said.

Companies to be part of the missions will be selected through a competition to be organized by the Economy Ministry and Azerbaijan Export and Investment Promotion Foundation (AZPROMO). Trade turnover between Azerbaijan and Pakistan amounted to $5.82 million in January-October 2016, which is 3.6 times more than in the same period last year, according to the State Customs Committee of Azerbaijan.