Azim Briefs Canadian Minister On UN Peace Missions Contributions

Azim briefs Canadian minister on UN peace missions contributions

ISLAMABAD, Dec 6 (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 06th Dec, 2016 ) : Pakistan High Commissioner to Canada Tariq Azim Khan has called on Minister of National Defence Canada Harjit Singh Sajjan and briefed him on the role Pakistan was playing in the UN peace keeping missions.

He informed that the country has remained one of the largest troop contributing countries consistently for many decades. At present, more than 7500 personnel of all ranks were deployed in UN missions, he added.

The high commissioner presented 'parshad' distributed on the birthday of Guru Nanak at Nankana Sahib to the defence minister, a message received here Tuesday said. The high commissioner briefed the minister on the state of minorities in Pakistan including the Sikh community, which enjoyed complete freedom.

He said the Sikh pilgrims from across the world were facilitated to visit their sacred places in Pakistan every year. He renewed an outstanding invitation from Defence Minister of Pakistan Khawaja Muhammad Asif to the Canadian Defence Minister to visit Pakistan.

He said the visit would provide an opportunity to both the countries for enhancing bilateral defence relations. The Canadian defence minister expressed his gratitude and accepted the invitation to visit Pakistan at mutually convenient dates. He also appreciated the measures Pakistan had taken to facilitate Sikh pilgrims.