Azma Bokhari Visits Ailing Press Gallery President


Azma Bokhari visits ailing press gallery president

Provincial Minister for Information and Culture Azma Bokhari visited the house of President Punjab Assembly Press Gallery Akhlaq Bajwa, here on Wednesday.

She presented a bouquet to Akhlaq Bajwa and prayed for his early recovery

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 22nd May, 2024) Provincial Minister for Information and Culture Azma Bokhari visited the house of President Punjab Assembly Press Gallery Akhlaq Bajwa, here on Wednesday.

She presented a bouquet to Akhlaq Bajwa and prayed for his early recovery.

On the occasion, Azma Bokhari said, “The Punjab government will extend full support to you in every difficult time.

Whatever can be done by the Punjab government will be done for you and your family. We sincerely hope that you will recover soon and fulfill your journalistic duties. The manner in which you are bravely fighting this disease is praiseworthy, and Allah Almighty will grant you complete health soon."

President Press Gallery Akhlaq Bajwa thanked the Provincial Minister for visiting his house. He said that the Punjab government has provided him a lot of support in this difficult time. He also mentioned that he will assume his responsibilities after recovering soon.