Baloch Youth Being Misled Through Baseless Propaganda: Bugti

Baloch youth being misled through baseless propaganda: Bugti

Balochistan Chief Minister Mir Sarfraz Bugti on Thursday said the youth of the province were being misled by anti-state elements through baseless propaganda

QUETTA, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 23rd May, 2024) Balochistan Chief Minister Mir Sarfraz Bugti on Thursday said the youth of the province were being misled by anti-state elements through baseless propaganda.

He stressed that the gap between the state and the Baloch youth needed to be bridged through adopting "the whole nation's approach".

Addressing the 13th National Workshop Balochistan, CM Bugti said that the people across Pakistan should be told the truth about Balochistan. The impression that there was a war between the state and separatists in Balochistan was wrong.

"Our security forces had the capability to thwart all conspiracies being hatched by hostile elements against the state.”

Sarfraz Bugti said that the history of Balochistan must be kept in view while addressing its issues as its every resident wanted peace.

He said there were backward areas in every province. "The insurgency in Balochistan is not due to backwardness but as a result of personal interests and bad governance in the past."

The chief minister said that it was not possible to fix the system affected by bad governance of 70 years in a few months.

The incumbent provincial government was making efforts for improvement, but it was essential to have a right direction.

He said that the government was trying to bring reforms in all sectors, especially health and education to provide relief to the common man.

He said that a government job could not be provided to every youth, however, in the next two years, 30,000 youth would be trained and sent abroad for employment.

The government would award interest-free loans to the educated youth to set up start-ups and curb the increasing graph of unemployment in the province, he added.

The chief minister said that the Benazir Bhutto Scholarship Programme had been launched in Balochistan. Under the programme, the youth from all segments including minorities and transgenders would be provided educational scholarships from Primary to higher levels.

He added that the PhD students from Balochistan would be given full scholarships to study in the top 200 universities worldwide.

The participants of the National Workshop Balochistan appreciated the efforts of the provincial government and the chief minister for addressing their concerns.