Balochistan Governor Condoles Killing Of PS Asghar


Balochistan Governor condoles killing of PS Asghar

Governor Balochistan Sheikh Jafar Khan Mandukhel expressed his sorrow over the killing of PS Asghar Ali of Mir Asim Kurd Gello on Wednesday

QUETTA, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 22nd May, 2024) Governor Balochistan Sheikh Jafar Khan Mandukhel expressed his sorrow over the killing of PS Asghar Ali of Mir Asim Kurd Gello on Wednesday.

In his condemnation statement, he said that it was the responsibility of the government to protect the lives and property of the people.

Governor Balochistan prayed Allah Almighty to rest the departed soul in eternal abode with peace and granting courage to bereaved family members.