Balochistan Govt Taking Measures To Provide Relief To Rain-affected People

Balochistan govt taking measures to provide relief to rain-affected people

QUETTA, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 15th Apr, 2024) Members of Provincial Assembly Bakht Muhammad Kakar, Mir Liaquat Lehri, Malik Naeem Bazai, Wali Muhammad Noorzai along with Spokesperson of Balochistan government Shahid Rind said that the Balochistan government is taking measures to provide relief to the rain-affected people.

During their visit of the PDMA office on Monday, praised the response and performance of Balochistan government in rescue and relief activities during the recent rains.

They stressed that the situation would be different now, if there was proper planning in the past. MPAs said that natural calamities have to be faced together and the rains will not be a burden for the people.

PDMA teams started timely relief operations, which is a welcome development as instructions were issued to all departments concerned before the rains.

Talking to media, Shahid Rind said that seven districts have been affected by the recent rains in the province and educational institutions have been closed for two days due to heavy rains.

The PDMA officials are on alert and engaged in relief activities in different areas of the province, he added.

He said refused the impression that the government missionaries are not working is wrong.

Shahid Rind said that the rain water has been removed from the roads in Quetta city, while the process of removing water from the surrounding areas is in process.

He said the PDMA staff is available round the clock. Work on removal of encroachment near river and water drains is in progress.

The spokesperson said around 80 percent of the water in Quetta city has been drained during the last three to four days.

He said that there has been loss of life due to rains and thunder storm, Deputy Commissioners of all districts will conduct survey of the affected people and estimate the damages.