Benevolent Fund Board Release Rs 25.7m On 614 Applications


Benevolent Fund board release Rs 25.7m on 614 applications

FAISALABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 22nd May, 2024) The District Benevolent Fund board released Rs 25.7 million by approving 614 applications of marriage grant, death grant and educational scholarships, here on Wednesday.

According to official sources, a sum of Rs 17.

5 million was released on 310 applications of marriage grant, Rs 8.6 million on 248 applications of death grant, and Rs 832,000 released on 56 applications of educational scholarships.

The funds were released in a meeting held with Deputy Commissioner Abdullah Nayyar Sheikh in the chair.

The meeting also approved 49 cases of monthly aid.

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