BFEJ, Khana E Farhang Pay Homage To Gaza Martyrs

BFEJ, Khana e Farhang pay homage to Gaza martyrs

QUETTA, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 8th Dec, 2023) Balochistan Forum of Environmental Journalists in collaboration with Khana Farhang Quetta, has planned to initiate a tree-planting campaign across Balochistan on December 9 to pay tribute to the martyred journalists of Gaza.

The main ceremony, in this connection, will be held at Khana Farhang Quetta, wherein a glowing tribute will be paid to Palestinian martyrs and martyred journalists, said a statement issued here on Thursday.

Plants and trees will be planted on the lawns of Khana Farhang Quetta Press Club and Metropolitan Corporation.
