Bhai Khan Welfare Association Setup Heat Stroke Centre

Bhai Khan Welfare association setup heat stroke centre

Chairman Union Council Azhar Shaikh has said that though competing climate change was a difficult task however by adopting precautionary measures we can protect our people in prevailing heat wave

HYDERABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 20th May, 2024) Chairman Union Council Azhar Shaikh has said that though competing climate change was a difficult task however by adopting precautionary measures we can protect our people in prevailing heat wave.

He expressed these views while inaugurating heat stroke at Bhai Khan Chowk. On the occasion pamphlets were also distributed among people to educate them about the intensity of heat wave.

He said that this month, the Department of Meteorology and the General Directorate of Civil Defense have predicted that the temperature is likely to remain between 47 and 55 degrees Celsius.

He advised people to avoid going out unnecessarily in the afternoon and to use more water and drink.

Haji Bhai Khan Welfare is a pioneer in the service of humanity.

On this occasion, the founder and general secretary of Welfare Haji Muhammad Yasin Arain said that on the directives of District Health Officer Dr. Lala Jafar Khan a separate heat stroke wards have been established in all government hospitals. Dry, hot and red skin in case of fainting or vomiting should be taken to the hospital immediately, while a door-to-door awareness campaign has been started in Latifabad to install cold water fountains in various public places.


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