BLLF Lauds Govt For Legislation To Protect Women, Children


BLLF lauds govt for legislation to protect women, children

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 24th Nov, 2016 ) : Bonded Labour Liberation Front (BLLF) general secretary and labour rights activist Syeda Ghulam Fatima on Thursday lauded the PML-N government for approving bills for the protection of women and children.

Talking to APP, Syeda Ghulam Fatima appreciated the government for taking concrete steps to protect the rights of women and children.

She said the administration should implement the laws in letter and spirit.

She hoped that the revival of labour laws would help empower institutions for poverty alleviation. She praised the government for constituting vigilance and action committees on the issue of child labour at brick-kilns across the country. Earlier, instead of having a book and pen, the children with their fragile hands were forced for making bricks, she added.