Caretaker Minister For National Food Security And Research Dr Kausar Abdullah Malik Virtually Participates In FAO Conference

Caretaker Minister for National Food Security and Research Dr Kausar Abdullah Malik virtually participates in FAO conference

Caretaker Minister for National Food Security and Research Dr Kausar Abdullah Malik on Wednesday virtually participated in the Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific being held in Colombo, Sri Lanka

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 21st Feb, 2024) Caretaker Minister for National Food Security and Research Dr Kausar Abdullah Malik on Wednesday virtually participated in the Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific being held in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

The four-day ministerial conference, lead by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and hosted by the Government of Sri Lanka, commenced on Februray 19. It aimed at reforming the agri food system, a news release said

The FAO representation in Pakistan provided technical support to the Pakistani delegation to participate in the conference.

Emphasizing the importance of the conference, FAO Representative in Pakistan Ms Florence Rolle said that Pakistan's high-level participation in the important conference would help guide FAO’s work here in Pakistan and right across the Asia and Pacific region, as "all FAO member nations share a common goal of achieving the SDGs by 2030, particularly those goals relating to hunger, poverty and inequality."