CDA Notifies Transfers, Posting Of Officials In Varios Departments


CDA notifies transfers, posting of officials in varios departments

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 30th Dec, 2016 ) : Directorate of Human Resources CDA on Friday issued a notification for transfer and posting of its several officers in different departments.

On the directions of Member Administration, Capital Development Authority (CDA), Muhammad Yasir Peerzada, Amad Ud Din, Deputy Director Admin (PSO to CMO) has been posted back as Deputy Director Emergency and Disaster Management, Amir Shahzad Audit Officer posted back in Audit Directorate, Syed Naveed Ul Rehman, Assistant Manager is posted as Deputy Director Admin, CDA, said a press release issued here.

Similarly, Sikandar Khizer, Senior Auditor working as Assistant Director (Admin) has been posted back to Audit Directorate on his original position while Masooq Ali, Senior Auditor has also been posted back from his current post as Admin Officer (Parliament Lodges) to Senior Auditor in Audit Directorate.

Kamran Aslam, Video Editor has been posted in Public Relations Directorate while Maryum Suleman, Admin Officer has been posted as Data Entry Operator in Degree Verification Cell. Through another notification, CDA Tehsildars, Mirza Saeed Akhtar and Haq Nawaz have also been posted back as Naib Tehsildars in their concerned directorates.