Chief Sectt. Pays Visit To Get Flood Demages, To Review The Rescue, Relief And Rehabilitation Process

Chief Sectt. pays visit to get flood demages, to review the rescue, relief and rehabilitation process

GILGIT, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 4th Sep, 2022 ) :Chief Secretary Gilgit Baltistan Muhiudeen Wani reached Chilas to get first hand information about the flood damages and to review the rescue, relief and rehabilitation process in district Diamer.

CS was accompanied by Secretary Works and Secretary Finance and Secretary Home GB.

On the occasion DC Diamer briefed CS about flash flood damage situation and progress on post flood rehabilitation.

Deputy Commissioner informed that all the affected families have been provided with food and relief items.

Chief Secretary assured that all possible assistance from Provincial Government to rehabilitate the affectees as well as restoration of damaged infrstructure.

In order to ensure effective utilisation of available meagre resources, a team of Secretary Food and Secretary IT with assistance from P&DD and Finance wil separately visit Darel and Tangir sub divisions to verify the information share by the respective departments.

"The affectees were being compensated as per government policies," said Chief Secretary GB.

The Chief Secretary also reviewed the progress on decision taken in previous visit to Diamer. These include availability of HR in schools/colleges and RHQ Hospital, Procurement of MRI Machine, provision of rescue 1122 machinery.

CS was delighted to see that 37 fresh teachers have been appointed to augment the HR in schools besides health dept posted 6 MOs and 2 specialist doctors in RHQ. Projects for provision of missing facilities in schools/colleges are also at an advance stage besides establishment of a hostel to retain female teachers and doctors in Chilas.

CS took serious notice of absence of field staff from peripheries. He directed Secretary Finance to conduct an inquiry into the matter to penalise them as per law, if found guilty.

CS also directed to pay death compensation, worth 1 million each to the legal heirs of the deceased of the recent flash floods.