Children Rights Ensured For All Without Any Discrimination

Children rights ensured for all without any discrimination

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 18th Nov, 2016 ) : Child leaders from different academic education urged the government to ensure fundamental rights of education, health and nutrition for all children without any discrimination curbing social inequality and giving them confidence to live a dignified life.

In a press conference organized by Child Rights Movement (CRM) here on Friday they shared that a large number of children do not get proper nutrition due to poverty while shelter homes for homeless and street children should be established for their better character building and to protect them from social evils.

Chief Executive of United Nation Global Organization of Development Syed Ishtiaq Gillani, stated that Pakistan has ratified United Nation Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) under which it is obligatory to ensure rights of all children.

He asked for its proper implementation with the collaboration of all stakeholders including, government departments, United Nations and civil society organizations working on child rights and child activist.

He stressed them to come forward and join hands for devising concrete policies to safe guard future of our younger generation. He also asked the media to play a proactive role on the issue and raise voice for the rights of children at national as well as international forums to protect the basic rights so that the children can achieve their goals.