Chinese Experts Achieve Diabetes Cure Through Pancreas Transplant

Chinese experts achieve diabetes cure through pancreas transplant

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 30th May, 2024) Chinese medical experts have reported a revolutionary achievement in the treatment of diabetes, successfully curing an elderly man through a pancreas transplant.

According to Daily China, specialists from Shanghai University performed the innovative procedure by transplanting special insulin-producing cells from the pancreas.

The transplant involved the use of stem cells, which enabled the patient's pancreas to start producing insulin within weeks.

The decision to proceed with the transplant came when the patient's condition became critical, requiring multiple daily insulin injections.

The transplant was performed in 2021, and by early 2022, the patient's pancreas was fully functioning in insulin production.

The 59-year-old patient has been living a healthy life for almost three years following the procedure.

This significant recovery has been maintained to date, showcasing a potential permanent cure for diabetes.

Experts have highlighted the need for further research into this treatment method, emphasizing its potential to completely eliminate diabetes.

They have called for additional studies to validate and refine the procedure, potentially offering a new hope for millions of diabetes sufferers worldwide.

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