Cleanliness Awareness Campaign Starts In GB Towns


Cleanliness awareness campaign starts in GB towns

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 26th Dec, 2016 ) : Gilgit-Baltistan tourism department has started cleanliness awareness campaign among tourists to enhance knowledge about proper disposing off waste materials, avoid wall chalking in order to make the region neat and clean.

Department of tourism in Gilgit-Baltistan would ensure the cleanliness of picnic spots and resorts. Volunteer teams comprising university and college students would be the part of this campaign.

These teams would visit various tourism spots to start cleanliness campaigns in collaboration with the local people.

These teams would also educate tourists as well as the locals about the importance of clean environment.

Gilgit-Baltistan Environmental Protection Agency (GB-EPA), was also doing its efforts to ensure a pollution free and clean environment in the region. Talking to APP, Deputy Secretary to Chief Minister of Gilgit- Baltistan said due to improved infrastructure in terms of roads, hotels and tourism spots the number of tourists were increasing and expected to rise further.

More than one million tourists visited Gilgit-Baltistan during this year, he disclosed.