CM's Message On World AIDS Day

CM's message on World AIDS Day

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 01st Dec, 2016 ) : Punjab Chief Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif on Wednesday said there was a need to promote awareness in the people about preventive measures against AIDS.

He said a healthy lifestyle should be adopted against AIDS as it was the cheapest and most effective defense against this disease. He directed that measures should be continued for promoting public awareness against AIDS.

In a message on World AIDS Day, Shehbaz Sharif said the purpose of observing this day was to promote public awareness about AIDS. He said the Punjab government was providing free medicines and test facilities to AIDS patients under Aids Control Programme while blood screening had been made compulsory for blood transfusion.

He said the government was taking solid measures against AIDS, however, collective efforts by civil society and social organizations were needed for this purpose. The Chief Minister said that there was a need to resolve on this day that a vigorous campaign would be launched for promoting public awareness about preventive measures against AIDS and no effort would be spared in the treatment of HIV patients.

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