Commissioner Visits Central Jail


Commissioner visits Central Jail

FAISALABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 21st Dec, 2016 ) : Divisional Commissioner Momin Agha on Wednesday visited Central Jail here to inspect administrative and security matters. Superintendent Jail Gulzar Ahmad Butt, Deputy Superintendent Abubakar Abdullah and AC General Mahr Shafqatullah Mushtaq were also present on the occasion.

Divisional Commissioner took round of jail premises and inspected different barracks and sections. He directed to follow jail manual in letter and spirit for the welfare and betterment of the jail inmates.

He said that scope of education and reformation programmes should be extended to jail prisoners to make them productive citizens. He also went to kitchen of the jail to check quality of food supplied to the prisoners.

He took a bite of the meal and expressed satisfaction over the quality of food.

He also visited the Jail Hospital and inspected medical facilities provided to the prisoners. He inquired about the health of prisoner patients under treatment in the hospital.

The Commissioner also took keen interest in weaving of carpets and manufacturing of other products in the jail factory and said that it was a constructive step for technical training of the prisoners.

He inspected the high security barracks and also checked Control Room for monitoring of security affairs. He directed that the security monitoring system should be made more advanced and comprehensive. He stressed the need to put security arrangements on high alert round the clock and said that district police would also cooperate in this matter.