CTD Arrest Four Terrorists

CTD arrest four terrorists

PESHAWAR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 14th Dec, 2016 ) : The Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) on Wednesday arrested four alleged terrorists of banned organization Al-Qaeda from Haji Camp Adda here.

According to CTD, the department received a tip-off about the presence of the four terrorists who were distributing pamphlets on behalf of Al-Qaeda inviting people to join the banned outfit.

The officials of CTD taking prompt action raided on Haji Camp Adda and apprehended the three terrorists red-handed while distributing pamphlets.

The arrested were identified as Moin ud Din s/o Niaz Muhammad resident of Palosai, Abdul Rahim s/o Abdul Rehman resident of Palosai city, Hamid s/o Firoz resident Pashtakhara and Irshad Khan s/o Firoz Khan. The terrorists were shifted to undisclosed place by the police for further investigation.