DC Matiari Orders Strict Monitoring, Timely Completion Of Education Sector Development Schemes


DC Matiari orders strict monitoring, timely completion of education sector development schemes

HYDERABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 22nd May, 2024) The Deputy Commissioner Matiari Muhammad Yousuf Shaikh has directed strict monitoring of the development schemes of the education sector, timely completion and use of quality construction materials.

During a visit to various schools of district Matiari, including GBHS MDM Matiari, GBPS school Main Matiari, GGHS Bhitt shah, Public School Bhitt shah and MG High School Hala, the DC expressed concern over the slow pace of work and directed Engineers of the education works department to expedite the process to complete projects in due time.

He also instructed the Executive Engineer of education works Abdul Sattar Tunio, to present a layout plan of the schemes and incorporate missing components in the revised schemes.

Assistant Commissioner Hala Abid Qamar Shaikh, Assistant Engineers Muhammad Fareed Shaikh and Sanaullah Ansari were present during the visit.