DC Murree Visits Parhana Village To Review Relief Activities


DC Murree visits Parhana village to review relief activities

Deputy Commissioner (DC) Murree, Agha Zaheer Abbas Shirazi on Monday visited Parhana village and reviewed the ongoing relief activities started after the landslide

RAWALPINDI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 4th Mar, 2024) Deputy Commissioner (DC) Murree, Agha Zaheer Abbas Shirazi on Monday visited Parhana village and reviewed the ongoing relief activities started after the landslide.

He said that after the landslide at Parhana, the administration immediately started the relief activities.

He informed, “I am personally supervising the relief activities and the damage caused by the landslide has been estimated.”

Relief cheques would be distributed among the victims to compensate for the loss, he said adding, total seven houses were damaged by the landslide but, no casualties were reported.

The houses had already been evacuated due to threat of the land sliding, the DC informed.

The work of restoring the road affected by the landslide is in the final stages, Agha Zaheer said adding, the risk of the landslide remains in Murree particularly during heavy rains. The administration was in the field to help the local people, he said.

The DC also distributed blankets and other items among the landslide victims.

Agha Zaheer said that the district administration was trying to provide all possible relief to the victims in this difficult time.

The administration would leave no stone unturned and utilize all resources to provide relief to the victims, he added.

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