Dr Tariq Fazal Reviews Projects Of Islamabad

Dr Tariq Fazal reviews projects of Islamabad

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 27th Dec, 2016 ) : Minister for Capital Administration and Development Division (CADD) Dr. Tariq Fazal Chaudhry chaired a meeting here on Tuesday to review the progress of development projects in the capital city.

Mayor and Acting Chairman CDA Sheikh Ansar apprised the minister regarding the status of work and future plan of development projects. The minister directed CDA to follow timelines and ensure timely completion of projects which have great significance for the general public.

Projects of sector development where the development process is slow or halted due to various reasons must be settled through continued negotiations by involving local political leadership, he added.

He directed the civic authority to speed up the road development projects such as Serena Chowk Interchange project, 7th Avenue/Kashmir Highway Interchange and Islamabad Highway Karal Chowk Project, expansion of Expressway from Airport Chowk to Rawat, expansion of Murree Road and Bharakahu bypass.

The minister also directed CDA to present proposals for making all major roads signal free by providing U-turns at tactical points to remove traffic bottlenecks. He also directed the authority to ensure phased conversion of street lights into energy efficient LED lights.

The meeting discussed the status of development projects which include Saidpur Village Heritage and food Court Enclave, Islamabad Transport System, Multipurpose Club at G-10, Shahdara Water Theme park, modern public library at F-10, new playgrounds, uplifting of major round abouts and citizen club at F-9 park.

Dr. Tariq directed the horticulture department to initiate campaign to help residents to maintain green belts in front of their houses. The campaign will initially be launched in three sectors of Islamabad which will be expanded to other sectors in the next phase. The minister also directed to install new water filtration plants in rural and urban areas.