Drama Workshop In Full Swing At PNCA

Drama workshop in full swing at PNCA

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 23rd Nov, 2016 ) : A three-day drama workshop in full swing here at Pakistan National Council of the Arts. Director General PNCA renowned artist and actor Syed Jamal Shah and an expert Waqar Azeem are conducting the workshop, arranged by PNCA for the new talent.

On the first day, Universal Principles of Acting, History of Theatre, The relationships between Acting and Dancing, Acting and Acrobats, Acting and Miming, Acting and over acting, Economy of gesture and voice, Difference between Star and Actor, Tools of Acting, Different limbs of body there extremities and balance, Body gesture movement and effect, Balance and Grace exercise was discussed.

The second day Voice, Breathing and the use of Throat, Parts of voice, Types of Voice, Voice intonation and effect, Exercise for voice without microphone and with microphone was focused in the workshop.

The third day would be highlighted Imagination, Evolving of script, Three different school of thoughts (Realism, Symbolism, Absurd), other tools like light, sound, set and makeup, discussion on student's ideas for evolving of a play, exercise of evolving of script by the class, Summary of workshop. The three-day workshop would be concluded on Thursday.