Employees Stage Protest Over Non-payment Of Funds For Hospitals In Merged Districts

Employees stage protest over non-payment of funds for hospitals in merged districts

PESHAWAR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 18th May, 2024) Employees of hospitals established in merged districts under the Public-Private Partnership initiative have staged a protest over non-payment of funds and salaries for the last 20 months.

“Many hospitals in merged districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) are facing serious challenges due to non-payment of funds and salaries to the staff,” informed Liaison Manager Medical Emergency Resilience Foundation (MERF), Akmal Khan.

He said that these hospitals, mostly Type D category, were set in different tehsils of merged districts including Ghiljo, Maula Khan Sarai, Dogar and Mammadgat and were providing medical care to poor people of the areas.

The staff and their families are facing grave hardships due to non-payment of salaries and the stoves of their homes have also gone cold, he added.

Despite all these genuine problems, he said that the staff of these hospitals are trying to provide the best medical facilities for the people due to being located in the far-flung districts of KP in the merged districts.

The staff of these hospitals requested KP Government and higher authorities to release salaries and funds immediately so that they can continue their service with proper attention and dedication.