Ending Deadlock Better For Democratic Norms In Pakistan: Rana Sanaullah


Ending deadlock better for democratic norms in Pakistan: Rana Sanaullah

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 25th May, 2024) Advisor to the Prime Minister for Inter-Provincial Coordination (IPC) and Political and Public Affairs, Rana Sanaullah said on Saturday that if we want a better and democratic Pakistan, we must end the deadlock.

Talking to a private news channel, he emphasized that the current deadlock was beneficial to no one, especially when the country was facing multiple challenges.

He said that the current government and his political party, PMLN, were clear that political dialogue was the only way out.

Criticizing the founder of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI), he said that Imran Khan should adopt a political approach and agree to engage in talks with other political parties.

"With a non-political and unconstitutional approach, he [Imran Khan] is harming himself, his party, and the country as well," he added.

Rana stressed that political dialogue was the only way forward in a democratic society.

"We [PMLN] believe that a confrontational environment between institutions is not in the national interest.

Good working relations between institutions are in the best national interest," he concluded.