Enrolment Campaign, Awareness Walk Held In Lower Chitral

Enrolment campaign, awareness walk held in Lower Chitral

An awareness walk and enrolment campaign was held in Lower Chitral to promote government schools and increase enrolment, on Monday here

CHITRAL, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 22nd Apr, 2024) An awareness walk and enrolment campaign was held in Lower Chitral to promote government schools and increase enrolment, on Monday here.

According to APP Correspondent, an awareness walk and enrolment campaign led by Assistant Commissioner Chitral Dr Atif Jalib started from Hospital Road and ended at Government Primary School Chitral, where a function was also held.

Officials, teachers, and students participated in the walk which aimed to drive school admissions and attract people to government schools.

The event was organized in collaboration with Helvetas, an organization working to provide education to children across the country.

Government schools are now on par with private schools in terms of quality education, officials said.

The admission campaign which started on March 1 and will continue till April 30, aims to enroll 5,416 children in government schools in Lower Chitral. So far 2,700 children have been enrolled including 1,300 who have switched from private schools.

The event included speeches, the distribution of school bags, and an enrolment drive. Officials urged parents to enroll their children in government schools and visit regularly to monitor their progress. The campaign has restored people's trust in government schools, officials said.
