Experts At Int'l Moot Stress Solution To Climatic Changes At Muhammad Nawaz Sharif University Of Agriculture

Experts at int'l moot stress solution to climatic changes at Muhammad Nawaz Sharif University of Agriculture

A two-day international conference titled "Climate Smart Agriculture

MULTAN, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 26th Nov, 2019 ) :A two-day international conference titled "Climate Smart Agriculture: The Way towards Sustainability" opened at Muhammad Nawaz Sharif University of Agriculture (MNUSA) here on Tuesday.

The Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), in collaboration with Agronomy Department of MNSAU, organised the conference wherein 10 international scientists besides national experts attended the inaugural session including Dr David Mulla from the USA, Dr Robian Wahaj from Italy, Jippe Hoogeveen from Denmark, Dr Genevieve Hussain from the FAO Pakistan and Dr Abdul Ghaffar.

Speaking at the event, FAO Country Head Mina Dowlatchahci said that climate smart agriculture was not only an issue being faced by Pakistan, but also by other countries of the world. She said that farmers and growers were facing great losses owing to climatic changes, adding that it was dire need of hour to find out solution to the problems.

She hoped that both international and national scientists would sit together to find out solution to the issue through the conference. "This is an excellent opportunity for knowledge exchange for long-term sustainable climate development of agriculture and food system in Pakistan and to look at agriculture as an integrated natural resources and socioeconomic ecosystem," she added.

The FAO country head said: "The conference will help to identify localised options for climate smart agriculture and water practices adopted for small-holder farmers men and women to build their resilience, sustainability and food security, nutrition and local economy." Additional Chief Secretary Agriculture Punjab Sumaira Samad stated that agri sector was facing multiple challenges out of whom scarcity of water and losses incurred by climatic changes were much more than other factors.

She hoped that recommendations of the conference would help them for making policies for agriculture in future.

MNSUA VC Dr Asif Ali said that the varsity had a close eye on issues related to climatic changes from day one, adding that over 70 research papers would be read out at the conference.

He said that conference recommendations would definitely help out policy-makers for formulation of better policies in days to come. A large number of agri scientists, students, faculty and farmers attended the inaugural session.