FAPUASA For Urgent Appointment Of 19 Universities' VCs In KP

FAPUASA for urgent appointment of 19 universities' VCs in KP

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 26th Feb, 2024) The President and General Secretary of the Federation of All Pakistan Universities Academic Staff Association (FAPUASA), along with its esteemed members, express deep concern over the prolonged delay in the appointment of Vice Chancellors for 19 universities in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK).

Despite the completion of the selection process, the crucial positions remain vacant, significantly impacting the operations and progress of these esteemed institutions, said a press release.

The absence of appointed Vice Chancellors has led to a stagnation of vital administrative and academic matters within the universities, hampering their ability to fulfil their academic missions effectively. This delay is not only detrimental to the universities' functioning but also undermines the overall educational landscape in the region.

FAPUASA KP chapter has been tirelessly demanding the appointment of Vice Chancellors, recognizing the urgency and importance of filling these positions without further delay. We stand in full support of their efforts and reiterate the pressing need for the government to take immediate action in this regard.

We urge the concerned authorities to expedite the appointment process and fulfil their responsibility in ensuring the smooth functioning of these universities. Delaying these appointments only exacerbates the challenges faced by the academic community and impedes the progress of higher education in the region.

FAPUASA remains committed to advocating for the rights and interests of academic staff across the country, and we call upon the government to prioritize the appointment of Vice Chancellors in KPK universities as a matter of utmost urgency.