Financial Assistance Provided To 124,376 Students From Less

Financial assistance provided to 124,376 students from less

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 26th Nov, 2016 ) : Around 124,376 students have been accommodated during last three years under special schemes introduced to provide financial assistance to those hailing from Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), Gilgit-Baltistan (GB) and other less developed areas.

Two schemes are being executed to provide financial assistance to students belonging to FATA/GB to pursue higher education in fields of engineering, science and technology and these are Prime Minister's Fee Reimbursement (PMFR) Scheme for less developed areas and Provision of Higher Education Opportunities for students of Balochistan & FATA Phased I and II.

Sources at Ministry of Education and Professional Training on Saturday said it is important to mention that four per cent quota has also been reserved in all Scholarship Schemes (National & International) for students of FATA & GB.

Replying to a question, the sources said Higher Education Commission (HEC) widely publishes advertisements of scholarships in all National, Regional, and Local Newspapers across the country for information of general public and the same information/guidance is also available at HEC website:

The eligible candidates from every corner of the country including FATA and GB also compete against announced scholarships. Project Management Unit of HEC also approaches all public and private universities through its Regional Centers.

In case where any student intends to seek admission in any foreign university on self-finance basis, HEC publishes brochure where detailed information regarding accredited status of foreign institutions is available.