Ghana Vice Consul General Meets Commerce Minister

Ghana vice consul general meets commerce minister

Vice Consul General of Ghana Omar Shahid Butt met Provincial Minister for Industries and Commerce Chaudhry Shafay Hussain in the committee room of the Punjab Investment Board, here on Thursday

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 30th May, 2024) Vice Consul General of Ghana Omar Shahid Butt met Provincial Minister for Industries and Commerce Chaudhry Shafay Hussain in the committee room of the Punjab Investment Board, here on Thursday.

During the meeting, discussions were held on increasing bilateral trade cooperation. Punjab Investment board Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Jalal Hassan was also present.

Ch Shafay said there was need to promote mutual relations to increase the trade volume between Pakistan and Ghana. There is vast scope for foreign direct investment in Punjab and Pakistan, he said and mentioned that the best incentives had been given to investors in the industrial estates of Punjab.

Ghanaian investors could invest in the industrial estates of Punjab. A garment city is also being built on an area of 2,000 acres in Punjab, he added.

The minister also stated that mutual trade could be promoted by the exchange of trade delegations. It is important to enhance relations between the Chambers of Industries and Commerce on both sides. There is scope for increasing trade with Ghana, for which practical steps are needed, he added.

Vice Consul General of Ghana Omar Shahid Butt mentioned that there were vast opportunities for the export of Pakistani textiles to Ghana. Punjab and Ghana could cooperate in the mining and farming sectors, he added.