Glowing Tributes Paid To Martyred Youth In IoK


Glowing tributes paid to martyred youth in IoK

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 15th Dec, 2016 ) : Chairman of All Parties Hurriyet Conference, Syed Ali Gilani, and other Hurriyet leaders and organizations have paid glowing tributes to Basit Rasool and another youth, who were martyred by Indian troops on Wednesday.

According to Kashmir Media Service (KMS) Basit Rasool Dar, a B-Tech student, Islamic University of Science and Technology, at Awantipora in Pulwama, was killed by the troops in Bijbihara area of Islamabad district.

Syed Ali Gilani addressing the participants of the funeral of Basit Rasool Dar over phone from Srinagar said that highly qualified Kashmiri youth preferred to join the freedom struggle instead of their luxurious and comfortable life.

He said this was a slap on those who weighed the unparallel sacrifices of the Kashmiri people in terms of roads, buildings, bridges and other developmental assets. The APHC Chairman said the huge human sacrifices put a great onus on the people to safeguard them and not to trade them for petty and personal gains.

"The main culprits of our decades-old miseries are the blood thirsty Indian stooges who are all set to befool the innocents once again in the deceitful and deceptive slogan of peace and development. But last five months have torn and snatched every fabric of humanity and have exposed their beastly faces," he maintained. MORE/qur/mub/qmr