Governor Lauds Educational Services Of Dr Shafiqur Rehman

Governor lauds educational services of Dr Shafiqur Rehman

Governor Balochistan Malik Abdul Wali Khan Kakar lauded the efforts of the Vice Chancellor of the University of Balochistan (UoB) Dr Shafiqur Rehman in the field of higher education

QUETTA, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 22nd Feb, 2024) Governor Balochistan Malik Abdul Wali Khan Kakar lauded the efforts of the Vice Chancellor of the University of Balochistan (UoB) Dr Shafiqur Rehman in the field of higher education.

He said this while paying a farewell meeting to the Vice Chancellor of Balochistan University at Governor House Quetta on Thursday.

On this occasion, Governor Balochistan appreciated the valuable educational services of Dr. Shafiqur Rehman in the field of higher education as VC of Balochistan University.

He said that teachers have a high position in any society and the post of Vice Chancellor is also an honour.

Governor Malik Abdul Wali Khan Kakar also expressed good wishes for the further success of Dr. Shafiqur Rehman.