Governor To Inaugurate Pediatric Neurology Conference On Feb 23


Governor to inaugurate Pediatric Neurology Conference on Feb 23

Balochistan Governor Abdul Wali Kakar will inaugurate the 15th Pediatric Neurology Conference at a local hotel on February 23

QUETTA, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 22nd Feb, 2024) Balochistan Governor Abdul Wali Kakar will inaugurate the 15th Pediatric Neurology Conference at a local hotel on February 23.

Caretaker Health Minister of Balochistan Dr. Amir Muhammad Jogaizai and Secretary Health Balochistan Abdullah Khan will participate in the Conference.

This conference will continue for three consecutive days and paediatricians from Pakistan and abroad including Balochistan will participate in it.

In a statement issued here on Thursday, Chairman Organizing Committee and CEO Children's Hospital Prof. Habibullah Babar and Co-Chairperson and President of Pakistan Pediatric Association Dr. Attullah Bizenjo termed the holding of the conference as an important development regarding the mental diseases of the people of the province and especially children.

The statement said that this is the first conference of its kind in the history of the province from which not only paediatricians of Balochistan but post-graduate doctors will be benefited from the conference.

Domestic and foreign experts will present their papers in this conference and there will also be debates and discussions on new methods of diagnosis and treatment related to children's mental diseases.

By holding this conference, the paediatric specialists of Balochistan will also get opportunities to learn from local and foreign experts and the effect of education friendliness of the province as a whole will also be highlighted.

Pakistan Pediatric Association Balochistan welcomes the organisation of 15th Pediatric Neurology Conference and believes that by organising this conference, new innovation and technology will be created in the treatment of children in Balochistan, said in statement.