Govt Determined To End Corruption For Balochistan's Development: CM Domki

Govt determined to end corruption for Balochistan's development: CM Domki

Balochistan Caretaker Chief Minister Mir Ali Mardan Khan Domki on Friday said that provincial government is determined to eradicate corruption for development of province and would make measures effective for ending of bribery

QUETTA, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 8th Dec, 2023) Balochistan Caretaker Chief Minister Mir Ali Mardan Khan Domki on Friday said that provincial government is determined to eradicate corruption for development of province and would make measures effective for ending of bribery.

In a messages on the occasion of International Anti-Corruption Day, he said the corruption is a scourge that is the biggest obstacle to achieving sustainable development, welfare state, prosperous society and economic progress.

The CM said that among other challenges, we face today is the scourge of corruption, the ravages of which are devastating society today.

He said that when funds earmarked for the betterment of social sectors turn out to be malpractice, this is the termite which not only destroys the foundations of the country and nation, but also takes away the right to live with dignity in the world.

The success of any government depends on its transparent institutions where there are people who are working for the national interest beyond personal interest, when people in the society are selfish and prioritize their personal interest over the national interest, corruption is certain which spreads anxiety in the society, he said.

He said that by creating awareness among the people against corruption, as well as by ensuring the merit, the correct right could be given to the rightful one saying that we have to ensure dispensation of justice without discrimination.

A strategy of reward for good deeds and punishment for bad deeds has to be adopted to ensure the eradication of corruption in the society and it is also important for people to be aware of their rights and duties, he said.

He said that the young generation could play a very important role in eradicating corruption, who boldly identifies corruption and denies bribery adding that corruption has adversely affected the performance of government departments and institutions.

The CM said that it is also our national and constitutional responsibility to protect public asset and ensure its proper use.

Establishment of good governance and elimination of corruption are the most important objectives of our government because without it development is not possible, he said, added that to achieve our goals, we are strengthening the institutions that have been set up to eradicate corruption.

CM Domki mentioned that the provincial government would fully implement the memorandum of understanding (MoU) between the Chief Minister Inspection Team (CMIT) and NAB to end the corruption.

He said that every penny of Balochistan government's available resources is the trust of the people, which should be spent on the development and prosperity of the people.