Gujrat Development Projects Case: Court Again Delays Indictment Of Parvez Elahi, Others


Gujrat development projects case: Court again delays indictment of Parvez Elahi, others

An accountability court once again on Wednesday delayed the indictment of former Punjab chief minister Chaudhry Parvez Elahi and other accused in a case of receiving kickbacks in development projects, by the National Accountability Bureau (NAB)

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 15th May, 2024) An accountability court once again on Wednesday delayed the indictment of former Punjab chief minister Chaudhry Parvez Elahi and other accused in a case of receiving kickbacks in development projects, by the National Accountability Bureau (NAB).

The court allowed an application filed by Chaudhry Parvez Elahi and Muhammad Khan Bhatti for the provision of a copy of the NAB inquiry in the case.

Accountability Court Judge Zubair Shahzad Kiyani conducted the proceedings, during which Chaudhry Parvez Elahi and the other accused were present.

The counsel for Chaudhry Parvez Elahi and Muhammad Khan Bhatti filed an application for the provision of a copy of the NAB inquiry and requested the court to delay indictment. However, the NAB prosecutor opposed the application and requested its dismissal.

After hearing arguments from both sides, the court reserved its verdict on the application.

Later, the court announced the reserved verdict and ordered NAB to provide a copy of the inquiry to the court registrar by May 21, stating that the applicants could obtain the copy from the registrar.

Additionally, the court sought a report from jail authorities regarding Parvez Elahi's application for medical tests.

Further hearing was adjourned until May 29, with orders to produce all accused for indictment.

The NAB had accused Parvez Elahi and Moonis Elahi of receiving over Rs 1 billion as kickbacks through intermediaries in more than 200 development projects in Gujrat district during his second term as chief minister of Punjab. It is worth mentioning that Moonis Elahi had already been declared a proclaimed offender in the case due to continuous absence.