Health Minister Orders Measures To Prevent Congo Fever Spread Ahead Of Eid Ul-Azha

Health Minister orders measures to prevent Congo fever spread ahead of Eid ul-Azha

PESHAWAR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 22nd May, 2024) Health Minister Qasim Ali Shah has issued instructions to commissioners to take necessary measures to prevent the spread of Congo fever in the province ahead of Eid ul-Azha.

The risk of transmission of the Congo virus from animals to humans is high during Eid ul-Azha due to animal slaughter and trade.

The minister directed commissioners to ensure all resources are utilized to prevent the spread of Congo fever, including the use of insecticides and disinfectants at the entrances of animal markets.

He instructed that animal markets failing to use insecticides and disinfectants should be sealed off. Additionally, all individuals visiting animal markets must wear protective gloves.

The minister emphasized the importance of using insecticides and disinfectants in animal markets and directed individuals to take precautions during animal slaughter, such as wearing gloves and other protective measures, as Congo fever can spread through contact with infected animal blood.

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