Hurriyet Forum Urges Delhi To Resolve Kashmir Dispute


Hurriyet forum urges Delhi to resolve Kashmir dispute

ISLAMABAD,(UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News -5th Sep,2016) : The Hurriyet forum led by Mirwaiz Umar Farooq has urged New Delhi to fulfill promises made by its leaders to the people of Kashmir and resolve the Kashmir dispute according to their aspirations.

The Hurriyet forum spokesperson in a statement issued in Srinagar said: "The promise made to the people of Kashmir by Indian leadership should be honoured and they should be given the right to self-determination for which they have been striving for last 70 years," KMS reported.

He said that an unconditional and meaningful engagement between India, Pakistan and people of Kashmir, who are the three parties of the dispute, can provide alternative ways of resolution of Kashmir dispute.

"Even on the day when the Indian parliamentary delegation was coming for the so-called reach out to people, their ruthless armed forces could not halt their killing and injuring spree even for the day.

The murder of 20-year-old, Abdul Basit Ahanger of Qazigund who was first grievously injured by pellets and then pushed into the river by the forces, the indiscriminate firing on people in his funeral procession injuring dozens, or the absolute barbarism of firing pellets on four years old Barena in her eye and her eight years old brother Zafar in his chest, show the total brutality of the Indian agencies towards the people of Kashmir," he deplored.

Referring to the open letter by the Kashmir Bar Association to the All Party delegation of the parliamentarians, the spokesman said if the delegation really wants to educate itself about the issue and understand the people's demand, the delegation should study the letter properly as it puts the Kashmir dispute in its factual historical perspective from 1947 and gives all the details relating to it till date.