Indian Forces Misusing Explosive Weapons Against Innocent

Kashmiris: Senator

Indian forces misusing explosive weapons against innocent
kashmiris: Senator

ISLAMABAD,(UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 29th july,2016) : Senator, PML-N Lt Gen (Retd) Abdul Qayyum Khan said that Indian forces are misusing the explosive weapons against unarmed innocent Kashmiris, that is a point of concern for the international community. "Indian government is adopting the policy of cruelty in Indian Occupied Kashmir", he said in a interview with a Radio Pakistan.

Senator further said that Pellet guns used by Indian forces in the valley have resulted in losing the eye sight of many Kashmiris. Turkey has imposed emergency in the country for thirty days and the international community is raising voice against this act but it has nothing to do with the violation of human rights, in IOK lasted for past many years, he added. "We are hopeful that Kashmiri freedom fighter will be successful in their mission to get the right to self determination," he urged.