Iranian Cultural Link Passage Opens At Lok Virsa


Iranian Cultural Link Passage opens at Lok Virsa

ISLAMABAD, Dec 2 (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 02nd Dec, 2016 ) : Iranian Cultural Link Passage was inaugurated here at Heritage Museum of National Institute of Folk and Traditional Heritage (Lok Virsa) on Friday.

The cultural link passage was established by cultural consulate of the Embassy of Islamic Republic of Iran in collaboration with Lok Virsa. Iranian ambassador Mehdi-e-Honar Doost was the chief guest on the occasion.

Joint Secretary Ministry of Information, Broadcasting and National Heritage Zahoor Ahmad Barlas, Cultural Counselor of Iran Embassy Shahaboddin Daraei and Executive Director, Lok Virsa Dr. Fouzia Saeed were also present.

The special features included ribbon cutting ceremony performed in front of Iranian Link Passage at Heritage Museum, presentation of folk musical performances and mystic songs. In his address, chief guest Iranian Ambassador Mehdi-e-Honar Doost congratulated all stakeholders who actualized the project and expressed the hope that this will create a better understanding among the people of Pakistan about the cultural heritage of Iran.

Pakistan is a cradle of history, culture and art which have been beautifully showcased in the Heritage Museum.

Earlier in her welcoming speech, Executive Director Lok Virsa Dr. Fouzia Saeed said "Heritage Museum was established in the year 2004 as the first state museum of ethnology in Pakistan depicting living cultural heritage presented through three- dimensional creative manner.

Apart from documenting and preserving the indigenous folk culture of the whole Pakistan, the museum also projects cultures of other friendly and brotherly countries that share similarities and influences with the culture of Pakistan which include Iran.

The Iranian link passage was created at the time of the inception of the museum, which has now been redesigned, improved and renovated by the Iranian Cultural Consulate in collaboration with Lok Virsa." Cultural Counselor of the Iran embassy Shahaboddin Daraei, also spoke on the occasion and shed light on the objectives for establishing the cultural corner.

The event was thronged by a large of people from different walks of life including diplomats, media persons and high ranking government officials. The Iranian link passage has been opened for public visit at the Lok Virsa Heritage Museum, Shakarparian.