Kashmiris Won Moral Victory: Resistance Leader

Kashmiris won moral victory: Resistance leader

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 17th Nov, 2016 ) : Resistance leadership in Indian occupied Kashmir (IoK) comprising Syed Ali Gilani, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and Muhammad Yasin Malik have said that people of Kashmir have won a moral victory by refusing to yield to Indian oppression.

According to Kashmir Media Service (KMS), the leaders in a joint statement in Srinagar said the transition from short-term agitation to long term initiatives and sustainable modes of protest would be made to achieve the objectives.

"We have made it clear to India that come what may we will be masters of our destiny. continuous protest of 130 days with wholehearted support and participation of people and offering of tremendous sacrifices has no parallel in the current world.

It gives us a measure of our strength," the statement added. "The people of Kashmir have shown to the world that they have a deep thirst for freedom for which they are prepared to stake their lives, their livelihood, their education, everything," the resistance leaders said.

"The Indian State along with its ethically and morally bankrupt local facilitators stand totally exposed before us and the world.

It is quite evident that the only way that they can control us is through brute force.

Surely that is unsustainable." "We are face to face with an enemy who refuses to acknowledge and recognize the truth and uses every means - lies and obfuscations -to undermine our just struggle," they said.

"We do not lose initiative. While leadership has to take control to be proactive and devise a long term strategy, people have to inculcate resistance culture within and make resistance a way of life.

The meaning and understanding of protest has to be extended, mechanisms for public participation in decision making and implementation have to be created educating people about the history of our movement specially our youth has to be fore- grounded to ensure the continuity of our movement.

A transition from short term agitation to long term initiatives, programs and sustainable modes of protest has to be made. The leadership is working at making this transition," the resistance leaders said.