Khewra, The World's Second Largest Salt Mine


Khewra, the world's second largest salt mine

Khewra, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 13th July, 2016) : World’s second largest salt mine in the Khewra area of Jhelum is one of the best example among others. Khewra Salt Mine is also known as Mayo Salt Mine.

It is said that when Alexander the Great came to the region his horses were seen licking the stones here. A soldier found it salty when he licked the salt rock. Thus, the salt mine was discovered in this area.

It then After then, Local King bought this mine and the mine was owned by the local Janjua Rajs till Pakistan came into being.


 There are seventeen stages in Khewra mine, six stages among these are those, where railroad car runs for tourists to take tour of inside the mine.

For tourist attractions, inside the mine there is Post Office, Minar e Pakistan model, a wine garden and a famous mosque was built by the salt bricks, electric lights are fitted on them, are the center of tourists’ attraction. Khewra salt mine has historic importance tourists and have come from abroad to visit it. 

Khewra, the world's second largest salt mine