KP Culture Policy To Be Prepared By January: Official

KP culture policy to be prepared by January: Official

PESHAWAR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 28th Dec, 2016 ) : The Directorate of Culture KP has expedited work on draft culture policy to be prepared by end of January next month to promote cultural activities in the province in an effective manner.

Director Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Culture Directorate, Ajmal Khan has said that a comprehensive provincial cultural policy draft will be prepared by end of January next year after taking all stakeholders into confidence.

He expressed these views in a meeting with the journalists here at his office. Ajmal Khan said the cultural policy would reflect viewpoints of all segments of society and would safeguard rights of artists and art in the province.

Ajmal Khan said around 1700 different kinds of cultural activities had been planned which would be conducted next year at 75 tehsils across the province. He said about 40 local and non-local organizations would help us conduct different cultural and literary activities in the province.

Ajmal Khan said an art academy would also be setup to train new talent where senior artists and seasoned artisans would teach and give lessons to the aspirants of art and culture. Professional and talented people would be hired for this purpose and that publication of quality books would be continued next year to encourage poets, writers and researchers to right standards literary and research works, he explained.

Regarding financial assistance, he said artists and literati were being compensated through ill and death funds. Artists and writers were encouraged and helped out under a planned programme and art and culture of the province was the first priority and a Provincial Censorship Board would also be setup to safeguard copy rights of the artists' creative works, he informed.

"It is need of the hour to setup a censorship board to protect rights of the artists and to give legal cover to the creative and positive activities. It will help their market to get a boost and promotion at every level," he said.

Khan said a web portal of the province on art and culture would be set up to document and showcase all kinds of literary and culture activities. He said a project of the Strengthening Directorate of Culture (SDC) had already been established for which qualified staff had been appointed to run its five different units regarding art, literature, craft, media , videography and documentation.

Ajmal Khan said KP culture directorate is fully functional to promote , persevere and revive our indigenous art and culture , it will help us to restore and boost our soft image in the world," he maintained .