KP Governor Asks Universities To Pay Special Attention To Modern Research

KP Governor asks universities to pay special attention to modern research

PESHAWAR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 15th May, 2024) Governor Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Faisal Karim Kundi on Wednesday emphasized on universities to pay special attention to modern research, artificial intelligence and information technology to cope with present era challenges.

Addressing the fifth convocation of Qurtaba University of Science and Information Technology as a special guest, he said that effective use of natural and human resources was essential for the development of the province.

He said that in order to overcome the challenges facing the education sector, we have to find unconventional solutions including use of modern research, artificial intelligence and information technology.

He said the educational services of the public sector as well as the private sector in the province were commendable.

Kundi said that the future of the country was safe in the hands of talented youth who were the precious asset, adding that it was common responsibility of the government and civil society to provide proper guidance to youth.

Earlier, the Governor distributed gold medals to 39 students who secured prominent positions in the session 2017 to session 2023.

President Qurtaba University Abdul Latif Khan Niazi, Vice Chancellor Prof Dr Hamidullah Alizai, Registrar Prof Dr Musa Kaleem, Controller of Examinations Prof Dr Azhar Khan Niazi, faculty members, students and parents participated in the convocation.
