Life-term Awarded To Fake Peerni For Burning Girl

Life-term awarded to fake peerni for burning girl

FAISALABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 24th Feb, 2024) An anti-terrorism court (ATC) judge awarded life imprisonment to a fake peerni on the charge of burning a mentally retarded girl under the garb of her treatment.

According to the prosecution, Sonia Sultana of Rasoolpura was a mentally retarded girl, and her brother Waseem Shehbaz reportedly called a fake peerni Shamim Akhtar for her treatment.

The peerni said the girl was captured by some devils and she could help her get rid of those supernatural powers. In this regard, she put the girl in fire on Dec 6, 2023, which severely affected her eyes, nose and chest.

After receiving information, Ghulam Muhammad Abad police arrested fake peerni Shamim Akhtar, Shehbaz and his wife Aalia and submitted challan of the case in the court of law.

After observing evidences and witnesses, ATC Special Judge Muhammad Hussain awarded life imprisonment to fake peerni under Section 336 (b) of Pakistan Penal Code (PPC) and directed her to pay a fine of Rs.1 million.

The court also awarded 36 years imprisonment under various sections of PPC and directed her to pay Rs.20.464 million as compensation money and fine.

However, the court acquitted remaining two accused of the case by giving them benefit of doubt.