Lt Gen Aamir Riaz Distributes Operations Excellency Awards Among 49 FC Personnel


Lt Gen Aamir Riaz distributes Operations Excellency Awards among 49 FC personnel

QUETTA, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 20th Dec, 2016 ) : Corps Commander Southern Command Lieutenant General Aamir Riaz said that Frontier Corps (FC) is playing vital role to maintain law and order situation in Balochistan.

"About 700 valiant officers and jawans of FC had been martyred and 2000 were injured in order to save Pakistan" he said this while addressing Operations Excellency Awards distribution ceremony at Frontier Corps Headquarter here on Tuesday.

He said that people belonging to different segment of society cooperated with law enforcement agencies to maintain peace in the region.

Lieutenant General Aamir Riaz also paid rich tribute to martyred personnel of Frontier Corps.

He said that no one would be allowed to destabilize the country through conspiracy of some outsiders who had lived in foreign countries. He said that Balochistan is part of Pakistan and will remain forever.

Commander Southern Command Lieutenant General Aamir Raiz along with Inspector General of Frontier Corps (FC) Major General Sher Afgen distributed Operations Excellency Awards among 49 personnel of FC. Other officials of security forces were present on the occasion.