Lyallpur Museum Celebrates International Museum Day

Lyallpur Museum celebrates International Museum Day

The Lyallpur Museum arranged a cake-cutting ceremony here on Saturday to celebrate the International Museum Day

FAISALABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 18th May, 2024) The Lyallpur Museum arranged a cake-cutting ceremony here on Saturday to celebrate the International Museum Day.

Divisional Commissioner Silwat Saeed cut the cake and said that museums are a good source to keep the civilization and culture alive and pass on it to the next generation.

She also inaugurated painting exhibition in which art work of renowned artist Hafiz Anjum was displayed.

Later, she also took round of the exhibition and various sections of the museum while curator of Lyallpur Museum Khursheed Jilani, Museum Officers Shehnaz Mehmood, Sidra Shah, Nabeela Tabassum and Sajid Sattar were also present on the occasion.