Minister For Completion Of Dev Projects Within Time

Minister for completion of dev projects within time

KARACHI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 03rd Nov, 2016 ) : Sindh Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Muhammad Ali Malkani has stressed upon the officials to utilize their capabilities and resources to complete development projects in stipulated time.

This he observed while reviewing the progress of 40 development projects, in livestock, fisheries and poultry sectors at his office here on Thursday, said a statement. The Secretary Livestock Ghulam Hussain Memon, DG Livestock Akbar Soomro, G.M.

Mahar, Jamil Shaikh, Dr. Nazeer Kalhoro Project Directors, Director including Chief Planning & Development Department Shahabuddin Memon also attended the meeting.

The Secretary Livestock directed the officials and PDs of various projects that he will personally monitor all the projects and get approval of the pending matters from the respective sections for timely completion of the development projects.

The Minister directed to ensure transparency and vigilance in these development projects for the benefit and welfare of the common men. The Minister Livestock has said that all development projects must be accelerated and should be completed before June 30.