Minister Hopes To Sign FTA With Iran


Minister hopes to sign FTA with Iran

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 23rd Dec, 2016 ) : Commerce Minister Khurram Dastgir Khan hopes to discuss Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and resumption of banking channels between Iran and Pakistan during his perspective two-days visit to Iran next week.

Talking in an exclusive interview with radio Pakistan , minister said that : 'We are quite hopeful that Iran and Pakistan would be able to sign FTA by the end of 2017, which is aimed at expanding the bilateral trade.' Giving details on his upcoming visit, the minister said that he is going to visit Iran to follow up the valuable visit by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani to Pakistan earlier this year.

The Minister added that Iran and Pakistan have already held their first negotiations on FTA and there is great positivity on both sides to conclude it ideally by the end of 2017. Dastgir Khan ensured that any outstanding issues in the signing of FTA would be resolved quickly.

He added that during his visit to Iran, he will also discuss the prospects of broader energy ties with Iran, particularly in reference to the electricity that Pakistan is buying from Iran for the Gwadar port. APP/rb/mtd