Mohammad Waseem Urged Parents To Knock Out The Polio From Balochistan


Mohammad Waseem urged parents to knock out the polio from Balochistan

QUETTA, ,(UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 19th Dec, 2016 ) : A three- day campaign of polio was launched on Monday with amid tight security, 2.451 million children under the age of five would be administered in 30 districts of Balochistan.

The world famed Quetta based boxer Muhammad Waseem inaugurated the immunization campaign against polio by administering anti-polio drops to children here. The Pakistani boxer, pride of Quetta, Muhammad Waseem, who defended his title World Boxing Council Silver Flyweight Champion by defeating Philippines Giemel Magramo in Seoul, South Korea, had earned the titled earlier in July by defeating Jether Oliva in what was only his fourth professional bout.

Speaking to media on the occasion, he said that it was a matter of dignity and pride for him to be a part of a campaign that is linked with the future of the children of country.

Mr, Waseem said that he wished all the children in the country to be healthy so that they could become good athletes to make their contribution in invigorating the fame and pride of country.

He said that it was a national obligation on every parent, then, to administer polio immunization drops to their children so as to lay the foundations of a healthy society and healthy Pakistan.

He said that every child has a desire to become a part of some sporting activity and that can only be possible if he is physically fit. As many as 6661 mobile teams, 820 fixed site facilitation points and 334 transit points were engaged in administering vaccine drops to the children in the province.